General note
Credits from overseas high school can be recognized and transferred.
Credits from overseas high schools can be recognized and transferred. It is recommended to enroll before September in order to meet university admission requirements in the next school year.
Credits from overseas high schools can be recognized and transferred. Students are required to enroll in August. No late applicants are accepted. Interview and entrance test may be required.
Credits from overseas high school can be recognized and transferred to TAIE. Students are recommended to enroll before December in order to fulfill all admission requirements for university in the next school year [Fall intake]: No late applications are accepted.
Eligible Applicants
Complete grade 8 [or equivalent]; or current Crade 9 to grade 12 students.
Current grade 11 or 12 students, or high school graduates.
Current grade 11 or 12 students, or high school graduates.
High School graduates.
Not required: For international students enrolling to Grade 12, IELTS or TOEFL is preferred.
IELTS or TOEFL is preferred.
IELTS [5.5 or above] or TOEFL [iBT 55 or above].
IELTS [5.5 or above] or TOEFL [iBT 55 or above].
Domestic Students
Minimum requirement: Pass all subjects in high school. CPA 70% since Grade 9, or B average, or 3.0 of 4.0 scale is preferred.
Minimum requirement: Pass all subjects in high school and obtain a high school diploma; CPA 70% since Grade 9, or B average, or 3.0 of 4.0 scale is preferred.
CPA 85% since Grade 9.
CPA 80% since Grade 9.
Minimum requirement: Pass all subjects in high school. CPA 70% since Grade 9, or B average, or 3.0 of 4.0 scale is preferred.
Minimum requirement: Pass all subjects in high school and obtain a high school diploma; GPA 70% since Grade 9, or B average, or 3.0 of 4.0 scale is preferred.
CPA in high school of 80% or higher.
CPA in high school of 75% or higher.
China Mainland
Minimum requirement: Pass all subjects in high school. CPA 70% since Grade 9, or B average, or 3.0 of 4.0 scale is preferred.
Minimum requirement: Pass all subjects in high school and obtain a high school diploma; GPA 70% since Grade 9, or B average, or 3.0 of 4.0 scale is preferred.
Caokao: Results meet local Tier 2 or above in university entrance mark
Caokao: Results meet local Tie r 3 or above in University entrance mark
Hong Kong
Minimum requirement: Pass all subjects in high school. CPA 70% since Grade 9, or B average, or 3.0 of 4.0 scale is preferred.
Minimum requirement: Pass all subjects in high school and obtain a high school diploma; GPA 70% since Grade 9, or B average, or 3.0 of 4.0 scale is preferred.
Pass all th e subJect s in high school and obtain a 15% above th e passing grad e of the high school; or/and HKDSE: Minimum 3 on best 5 subjects; preferable at 3,3,3,3or higher;
Pass all the subjects in high school and obtain a 10% above the passing grade of the high sc hool; or/and HKDSE: Minimum 3 on best 5 subjec ts; preferable at 3,3,3,3 or higher;
Minimum requirement: Pass all subjects in high school. CPA 70% since Grade 9, or B average, or 3.0 of 4.0 scale is preferred.
Minimum requirement: Pass all subjects in high school and obtain a high school diploma; GPA 70% since Grade 9, or B average, or 3.0 of 4.0 scale is preferred.
Surat Tanda Tamat BelaJar Sekolah Menegah Tingkat Atas [STTB SMTA) results [Certificate of Co mpletion of Upper Secondary School); Ujian Masuk Pe rgurua Tinggi Negeri [Nat ional Entrance Examinat ion] results [if app licable): Minimum 7/10
Surat Tanda Tamat BelaJar Sekolah Menegah Tingkat Atas [STTB SMTA) results [Certificat e of Co mpletion of Upper Secondary Sc hool); Ujian Masuk Pergurua Tinggi Negeri [Natio nal Entrance Examination] results [ if applicab le): Minimum 5/10
Minimum requirement: Pass all subjects in high school. CPA 70% since Grade 9, or B average, or 3.0 of 4.0 scale is preferred.
Minimum requirement: Pass all subjects in high school and obtain a high school diploma; GPA 70% since Grade 9, or B average, or 3.0 of 4.0 scale is preferred.
Grades 10, 11 and12 on transcript: Minimum 3.0/5 ;
Kotogakko Sots ugyo Shome isho [Upper Se condary School Leaving Certificate) preferr ed
Crades 10, 11and12 on transcript: Minimum 3.0/5;
Kotogakko So tsugyo Shomeisho [Upper Secondary Sc hool Leaving Certific at e) preferred
Minimum requirement: Pass all subjects in high school. CPA 70% since Grade 9, or B average, or 3.0 of 4.0 scale is preferred.
Minimum requirement: Pass all subjects in high school and obtain a high school diploma; GPA 70% since Grade 9, or B average, or 3.0 of 4.0 scale is preferred.
Crades 10, 11 and 12 on transcript: Minimum 80% average; minimum 5/9 in SPM and MICSS; minimum B in STPM.
Crades 10, 11 and 12 on transcrip t: Minimum 75% average; minimum 5/9 in SPM and MII:SS;
minimum C in STPM
Minimum requirement: Pass all subjects in high school. CPA 70% since Grade 9, or B average, or 3.0 of 4.0 scale is preferred.
Minimum requirement: Pass all subjects in high school and obtain a high school diploma; GPA 70% since Grade 9, or B average, or 3.0 of 4.0 scale is preferred.
Crades 10 and 11 on transcript: Minimum 4/ 5;
Atte stat o srednem obrazovanii [Certi ficat e of Se condary Education] if completed
Crades 10 and 11 on tran script: Minimum 4/5;
Att estat o sred nem obrazovanii [Certi ficate of Se condary Education] if completed
South America
Minimum requirement: Pass all subjects in high school. CPA 70% since Grade 9, or B average, or 3.0 of 4.0 scale is preferred.
Minimum requirement: Pass all subjects in high school and obtain a high school diploma; GPA 70% since Grade 9, or B average, or 3.0 of 4.0 scale is preferred.
CPA in high school of 80% or higher;
CPA in high school of 75% or higher;
South Korea
Minimum requirement: Pass all subjects in high school. CPA 70% since Grade 9, or B average, or 3.0 of 4.0 scale is preferred.
Minimum requirement: Pass all subjects in high school and obtain a high school diploma; GPA 70% since Grade 9, or B average, or 3.0 of 4.0 scale is preferred.
CPA in high schoo l of 8 0% or higher; CSAT result is strongly preferre d
CPA in high school of 75% or higher; CSAT result is strongly preferred
Minimum requirement: Pass all subjects in high school. CPA 70% since Grade 9, or B average, or 3.0 of 4.0 scale is preferred.
Minimum requirement: Pass all subjects in high school and obtain a high school diploma; GPA 70% since Grade 9, or B average, or 3.0 of 4.0 scale is preferred.
CPA in high school of 80% or higher; Xuece passed stage 1
CPA in high school of 75% or higher; Xuece passed st age 1
Minimum requirement: Pass all subjects in high school. CPA 70% since Grade 9, or B average, or 3.0 of 4.0 scale is preferred.
Minimum requirement: Pass all subjects in high school and obtain a high school diploma; GPA 70% since Grade 9, or B average, or 3.0 of 4.0 scale is preferred.
Devle t Lise Diplomasi / Lise Bitir me Diplomasi: Minimum 3/5 or 70% high school
Devlet Lise Diplomasi / Lise Biti rme Diplo masi: Minimum 3/5 or 70% high school
Minimum requirement: Pass all subjects in high school. CPA 70% since Grade 9, or B average, or 3.0 of 4.0 scale is preferred.
Minimum requirement: Pass all subjects in high school and obtain a high school diploma; GPA 70% since Grade 9, or B average, or 3.0 of 4.0 scale is preferred.
Crades 10, 11 and 12 on transcript: Minimum 5.5/10 [81:1% average];
Bang Tot Nghiep Pho Thong Trung Hoc [Universal Craduation Diploma ) preferred
Crades 10, 11and 12 on transcript: Minimum 5.5/10 [75% average];
Bang Tot Nghiep Pho Thong Trung Hoc [Universal Craduation Diploma) prefer red
Minimum requirement: Pass all subjects in high school. CPA 70% since Grade 9, or B average, or 3.0 of 4.0 scale is preferred.
Minimum requirement: Pass all subjects in high school and obtain a high school diploma; GPA 70% since Grade 9, or B average, or 3.0 of 4.0 scale is preferred.
Crades 9, 10 and 11on transcript: Minimum 4/5 or 7/12;
Ates ta t Pro Povnu Za gal'nu Se rsdniu Osvit u
Crades 9, 10 and 11on transc ript: Minimum 4/ 5 or 7/12;
Atestat Pro Pov nu Zagal'nu Se rsdniu Osvitu
Minimum requirement: Pass all subjects in high school. CPA 70% since Grade 9, or B average, or 3.0 of 4.0 scale is preferred.
Minimum requirement: Pass all subjects in high school and obtain a high school diploma; GPA 70% since Grade 9, or B average, or 3.0 of 4.0 scale is preferred.
CPA: Minimum overall 'B' average [or CPA 3.CI on a 4.0 scale] in a recogni ze d academic school program; At least 4 different academic subjects at the matriculati on level must be represented in the high school diploma; SAT or ACT recommended
CPA: Minimum overall 'B- ' ave rage (or CPA 2.7 on a 4.0 scale) in a recognized academic school program; At least 4 different academic subjects at the matriculation level must be rep resented in the high school diploma; SAT or ACT recomme nded.