TAIE offers 5 levels of English as a Second Language Courses - Depending on your unique needs and goals.
Each student arrives in Canada with different language needs - our team recognizes this and is fully equipped and prepared to guide you seamlessly through the exciting process of learning English as a second language.
When you arrive on our campus for the first time, you'll receive a placement test to determine your level of English proficiency - this test will measure skills in listening, speaking, writing, and reading. Depending on your test results, you will be placed by our highly trained Education Administrator into one of the following classes:
ESLAO - Level 1
ESLBO - Level 2
ESLCO - Level 3
ESLDO - Level 4
ESLEO - Level 5
Your placement will allow you to receive the best possible instruction in the level that will best suit your language needs. Once completed, you'll move through to the next level and eventually, on to English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses.